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Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee for the mentoring program?
Yes. There is a $25 non-refundable application fee and a $10 per month mentee fee. The fee covers a t-shirt, snacks, and activities. If you decide to pay for the year, a discount may be offered.
How are the meetings formatted?
Currently, one-on-one meetings will take place via Zoom and group meetings in person. Location for in-person meetings to be provided.
Can I register my child at any time?
Unfortunately, registration is open only during the months of January and July.
What ages do you accept?
We except girls ages 8 to 18. We are working on a program for young women ages 19-25. Stay tuned for more information!
How long is the program?
The program is all year. The program takes a short break during the last two weeks during the month of December and restarts every January.
Will my child receive one-on-one mentorship?
Yes. We value individualized attention. We work with the child and their parents/guardians to address the goals established in the initial program. We also organize groups meetings during the year where everyone comes together to encourage sisterhood and togetherness.
What topics are covered in the meetings?
We cover a range of topics including understanding mental wellness, development of positive self-esteem, guidance with education and career path, good decision making, and more.
How often will my child meet with their mentee?
We value strong and supportive mentor/mentee relationships. The mentor and mentee will meet once a week based on an agreed-upon time. The group meetings with take place once during the designated months. Mentors are available for questions outside of meeting times. Mentor's availability will be discussed in the parent/mentor/mentee meeting.
If I am not satisfied with the mentoring my child is receiving, Can I receive a refund?
We make every effort to ensure your child is a fit for our program and their mentor. This is accomplished through information sessions, one-on-one phone calls and/or meetings, screening questionnaires, and mentor/mentee/parent check-in sessions. Sometimes, mentees and parents may not be satisfied. In the event you are unsatisfied with the mentoring received, the Director will speak with the parent and mentee about any concerns and make every effort to remedy them. If an agreement can not be made, and the mentee will discontinue the program, the parent may be eligible for a refund (if paid full year upfront) for the months following the month you are choosing to discontinue. For example, if your decision to discontinue takes place in August, you may be eligible for a refund for the months September to December. The application fee is non-refunable.